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    The Red Skelton Show

    Poster of the movie The Red Skelton Show
    TV Series    1951     Comedy    

    The Red Skelton Show was one of the first variety shows to make the successful transition from radio to television and one of the longest running variety series.

    CompanyNBCMadacy EntertainmentMadacy Entertainment



    Red Skelton
    David Rose
    Vincent Price
    Mickey Rooney
    Cesar Romero
    Martha Raye
    Amanda Blake
    Peter Lorre
    Lon Chaney Jr.
    Ed Wynn
    Eve Arden
    Jack Albertson
    Jackie Gleason
    Raymond Burr
    Elena Verdugo
    Maurice Evans
    John Wayne
    Johnny Carson
    George Raft
    Merv Griffin
    Phyllis Diller
    Cara Williams
    Robert Easton
    Nancy Walker
    Jayne Mansfield
    Terry Moore
    Leslie Parrish
    Ginger Rogers
    Robert Strauss
    Greer Garson
    Mike Connors
    Walter Brennan
    Leslie Nielsen
    + MORE

    © NBCMadacy EntertainmentMadacy Entertainment